MSK & Associates offers a variety of services covering almost every need of modern businesses. Learn more about our services below.

Audit services are designed to help your business mitigate risk, create new efficiencies and better support strategic objectives.

A range of services designed to provide timely preparation of company accounts, whether it be at the financial year.

Audits are verified by sight, confirmation, discussion with management, assessment of internal controls and analytical procedures.
MSK & Associates provides unparalleled guidance on audit, review, and other financial assurance and attestations matter in a cost effective way without draining your internal resources.
Whether your business is a start up or is well established locally or internationally – we will be by your side for the long term, ready to provide all the support and strategic direction needed to maximise the success of your business and to achieve your personal goals and ambitions
AdvisoryAt Kudos, we apply our understanding of your business and the strength of your accounting and control systems to ensure that the audit is focused on the key risk areas.
Audit and assuranceWe offer a comprehensive range of outsourced services, on site or online, tailored to meet all your needs. No matter what size or business sector you may be in, we may assist with your bookkeeping, management and year end accounting as well as providing human resources, payroll, and company secretarial services.
Accounting and outsourcingWhatever strategies you follow, wherever you go internationally, there will undoubtedly be tax implications for both you personally and your business. MSK & ASSOCIATES are by your side to help ensure you achieve the maximum tax efficiency whilst achieving your objectives.
TaxationKudos members can support you across many further areas. – please check your Kudos firm’s website for full details.